Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe and Infinite Life Revised


Electromagnetic attraction between parallel speeding atoms and light photons may result in developing into clusters – eventual spherical masses and life (see ATOMS-CELLS-CONSCIENCE-CONSCIOUS). In this hypothesis, it is believed this may occur after the Big Bang nucleosynthesis, referenced from Wikipedia, subject; Inflation cosmology 31 May 2021 at 06:10 (UTC). During this time, theorized by the author while speeding away from the Big Bang, the atoms and photons may cluster as previously stated speeding into empty space.

In some regions in outer space it may be possible for atoms to be moved by photons. Outer space temperatures vary from -456.67°F up to +18,000°F. In the interstellar regions of our milky way galaxy the temperatures vary from -440°F to +1,340°F.50 In 1997 Dr. Steven Chu was awarded the Nobel prize in physics for having discovered how to move and manipulate atoms with photons by lowering temperature of the atom and moving it with six laser beams. When energy of moving photon resonates with energy of the moving atom the photon will transfer its momentum to the atom giving it direction at which the photon was moving.51

Dr. Ken Mellendorf – U.S. Dept. of Energy, Illinois Central College, physics instructor, has stated the following concerning movement of atoms caused by photons: Even though a photon has no mass, it still has momentum and kinetic energy. The photon adds most of its energy to the kinetic energy of the electron. The photon, electron, and nucleus interact. Energy and momentum are conserved.52 Most of the energy enters the electron, raising it to a higher state. This is a rotational effect. In order to maintain momentum, a small amount of the energy enters the motion of the nucleus, giving the atom a new velocity through space and a new kinetic energy.52 Outer space being relatively gravity free, seemingly would make it easier for photons to move atoms.

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Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe and Infinite Life Revised
2003 - 2024 Goffrey V. Wolfe