Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe and Infinite Life Revised


The explosive force of “Big Bang” cause the primordial mix to overcome the gravitational attraction of the now dwindling sphere ejecting “The Mix” and clumps into an empty universe (except for small free particles from previous “Big Bangs)(see reference #38 and page #13). The previous sentence concerning clumps is not a proven theory, but it is widely accepted by astrophysicists because it conciliates theory with observation.47, 48 At this very important time of the “Big Bang” the subatomic particles begin to recombine or the nucleosynthesis process begins. It is unknown by this author why the subatomic particles recombine to once again become atoms. Perhaps it is part of the natural attraction process brought about by lowering temperature changes within the subatomic particles permitting them to reunite with other subatomic particles within their compatibility working temperature range.

After the “Big Bang” (see page 10) protons and neutrons recombine. With those subatomic particles – the lighter elements can formulate into atoms. Those elements are hydrogen, helium, oxygen and similar elements. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, primarily water. It makes up 75% of all matter.49 Further cooling enable the electrons to recombine and light photons to move freely. Once again there is light.49A With the electrons heavier elements can formulate. 49B, 49C Some of those elements are iron, copper, lead, gold, etc. With both lighter and heavier elements, development of life and all that we are familiar with, animals, cars, chocolate can eventually exist. Because composition of atoms are perfectly precise and accurate. They will always maintain their timeliness, exactness of formulations following the same patterns of life’s replications between all events including “Big Bangs”… infinitely.

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Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe and Infinite Life Revised
2003 - 2024 Goffrey V. Wolfe